About MEPP
MEPP is a Defined Benefit (DB) pension plan administered by Plannera. MEPP provides retirement benefits to the employees of school divisions, urban and rural municipalities, regional colleges, regional public libraries and other local authorities within the Province of Saskatchewan.
Municipal Employees’ Pension Plan
c/o Plannera Pensions & Benefits
110 – 1801 Hamilton Street
Regina, SK S4P 4W3
Phone: 1-877-506-6377
Fax: (306)787-8822
Email: MEPP
Web site: MEPP Website
A survey sent to all school board employees a few years ago indicated to MEPP that the majority of its members wished to have their pension contributions increased. As a result, legislation was passed to increase pension contributions by 2% over 2 years. Prior to 2010 our contributions were 5.4% of our earnings. As of January 2010, our contributions increased by 1% making the contribution 6.4% of our earnings.
The last phase of this plan was put into effect January 1, 2011 and raised our contributions by another 1% to bring our pension contribution to 7.4% of our earnings. You will have noticed this on the first pay period of January.